Bibliography: Hesiod

WORK IN PROGRESS – feel free to leave a comment for entries missed. Many entries are known and just have not yet been incorporated, but all are still welcome.  – C. W.

Allen, T. W. & Rambaut, Arthur A. 1915. “The Date of Hesiod.” JHS 35: 85–99.

Arrighetti, G. ed. 1998. Esiodo: Opere. Turin.

Asquith, H. 2005. “From genealogy to Catalogue: the Hellenistic adaptation of the Hesiodic catalogue form,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 266–286.

Athanassakis, A. N. 1992a. “Cattle and Honour in Homer and Hesiod.” Ramus 21.2: 156–186.

——  1992b. “Introduction to ‘Essays on Hesiod I’.” Ramus 21.1:  1–10.

——  1992c. “Introduction to ‘Essays on Hesiod II’.” Ramus 21.2:  117–118.

Ballabriga, A. 1981. “L’équinoxe d’hiver (Hésiode, Les Travaux et les jours, vv. 493–563).” ASNP 11: 569–603.

Beall, E. F. 1991. “Hesiod’s Prometheus and Development in Myth.” Journal of the History of Ideas 52.3: 355–371.

— — 2001. “Notes on Hesiod’s Works and Days, 383–828.” AJP 122: 155–171.

— — 2004a. “The Plow That Broke the Plain Epic Tradition: Hesiod Works and Days, vv. 414–503.” CA 23: 1–31.

Abstract: This article presents a detailed study of an early section of the actual works and days of Hesiod’s Works and Days. The treatment consistently eschews obsolete assumptions about this poem, in particular that it reduces to a didactic presentation to the early Greek farmer. A key principle of the method followed is to pay closer attention to the text’s relation to epic forms than has been typical among the poem’s commentators. The result is to find that a certain literary figure gradually develops in the section discussed. Namely, the plowing nominally covered there stands for the section’s portion on the human condition, a condition implicitly compared with that associated with traditional epic. The figure evokes a well-rounded person, aware of the divine and of the world’s uncertainties, with a long-term sense of purpose involving good organization of one’s life, as opposed to someone engaged in helter-skelter pursuit of transitory activities, perhaps war specifically. With this identification of virtual protagonist established by the end of the section, the ground is prepared for any further development of the figure as that entity’s undertakings or adventures in the remainder of the poem.

— — 2004b. “Overtures of the Peasant’s Poets, and Later Arias: Voices Creatures in Hesiod and Others.” CML 24: 95–120.

— — 2005. “An Artistic and Optimistic Passage in Hesiod: Works and Days 564–614.” TAPhA 135.2: 231–247.

— — 2005/2006. “Hesiod’s Treatise on Justice: Works and Days 109–380.” CJ 101.2: 161–182.

Becker, A. 1992. “Reading Poetry through a Distant Lens: Ecphrasis, Ancient Greek Rhetoricians, and the Pseudo-Hesiodic “Shield of Herakles.” AJPh 113: 5–24.

Bennett, J. W. 1931. “Spenser’s Hesiod.” AJPh 52.2: 176–181.

Bershadsky, N. 2011. “A Picnic, a Tomb, and a Crow: Hesiod’s Cult in the Works and Days.” HSCPh 106: 1–45.

Blümer, W. 2001. Interpretation archaischer Dichtung: Die mythologischen Partien der Erga Hesiods. 2 voll. Münster.

Bona Quaglia, L. 1973. Gli Erga di Esiodo. Turin.

Boys-Stones, G. R. & Haubold, J. H. edd. 2010. Plato and Hesiod. Oxford.

Burn, A. R. 1937. The World of Hesiod: A Study of the Greek Middle Ages, c. 900–700 BC. New York.

Cingano, E. 2005. “A catalogue within a catalogue: Helen’s suitors in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women (frr. 196–204),” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 118–152.

— — 2009. “The Hesiodic Corpus,” in Montanari et al. edd. 2009: 91–130.

Clay, D. 1992. “The World of Hesiod.” Ramus 21.2: 131–155.

Clay, J. S. 2003. Hesiod’s Cosmos. Cambridge.

——  2005. “The beginning and end of the Catalogue of Women and its relation to Hesiod,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 25–34.

D’Alessio, G. B. 2005a. “The Megalai Ehoiai: a survey of the fragments,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 176–216.

——  2005b. “Ordered from the Catalogue: Pindar, Bacchylides, and Hesiodic Genealogical Poetry,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 217–238.

Debiasi, Andrea (2008). Esiodo e l’occidente (in Italian). Roma.

DuBois, Page (1992). “Eros and the Woman”. Ramus 21 (1): 97–116.

Edwards, A. T. 2004. Hesiod’s Ascra. Berkeley.

Edwards, G. P. 1971. The Language of Hesiod in Its Traditional Context. Oxford.

Erbse, H. 1996. “Homer und Hesiod in Chalkis.” RhM.

Evelyn-White, H. 1913. “Hesiodea.” CQ 7: 217–220.

Finkelberg, M. 1988. “Ajax’s Entry in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women.” CQ 38: 31–41.

Fletcher, R. 2005. “Or such as Ovid’s Metamorphoses…” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 299–319.

Fowler, R. L. 1998. “Genealogical Thinking, Hesiod’s Catalogue, and the Creation of the Hellenes.” PCPhS 44: 1–19.

  • Gagarin, Michael (1992). “The Poetry of Justice: Hesiod and the Origins of Greek Law”. Ramus 21 (1): 61–78.

Goslin, O. 2010. “Hesiod’s Typhonomachy and the Ordering of Sound.” TAPhA 140.2: 351–373.

Graziosi, B. 2002. Inventing Homer: The Early Reception of Epic. Cambridge.

Griffin, Jasper 1986. “Greek Myth and Hesiod,” in Boardman et al. edd. 1986: 78–98.

Griffith, Mark 1983. “Personality in Hesiod.” CA 2.1: 37–65.

Güterbock, Hans Gustav 1948. “The Hittite Version of the Hurrian Kumarbi Myths: Oriental Forerunners of Hesiod.” AJA 52: 123–134.

Hardie, P. 2005. “The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Latin poetry,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 287–298.

Haubold, J. 2005. “Heracles in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 85–98.

— — 2010. “Shepherd, Farmer, Poet, Sophist: Hesiod on his own Reception,” in Boys-Stones & Haubold edd. 2010: 11–30.

Hamilton, R. 1989. The Architecture of Hesiodic Poetry. Baltimore.

Heath, M. 1985. “Hesiod’s Didactic Poetry.” CQ 35: 245–263.

Heitsch, E. 1963. “Das Prometheus-Gedicht bei Hesiod.” RhM 106.1: 1–15.

Hirschberger, M. 2004. Gynaikôn Katalogos und Megalai Ehoiai. Ein Kommentar zu den Fragmenten zweier hesiodeischer Epen. BzA 198. Munich/Leipzig.

Hunter, R. L. ed. 2005. The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Constructions and Reconstructions. Cambridge.

——  2005. “The Hesiodic Catalogue and Hellenistic Poetry,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 239–265.

——  2014. Hesiodic Voices: Studies in the Ancient Reception of Hesiod’s Works and Days. Cambridge.

Hurst, A. & Schacter, A. edd. 1996. La Montagne des Muses. Geneva.

Irwin, E. 2005. “Gods among men? The social and political dynamics of the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 35–84.

Janko, R. 1982. Homer, Hesiod, and the Hymns: Diachronic Development in Epic Diction. Cambridge.

——  1984. “P. Oxy. 2509: Hesiod’s Catalogue on the death of Actaeon.” Phoenix 38: 299–307.

——  1986. “The Shield of Heracles and the Legend of Cycnus.” CQ 36: 38–59.

Kakridis, J. Th. 1975. “Μήστρα. Zu Hesiods frg. 43a M.-W.” ZPE 18: 17–25.

Katz, J. & K. Volk 2000. “”Mere Bellies?” A New Look at Theogony 26–28.” JHS 120: 122–131.

Kelly, A. 2007. “Αψορροου Ωκεανοιο: a Babylonian Reminiscence?” CQ 57: 280–282.

  • Kirby, J. T. (1992). “Rhetoric and Poetics in Hesiod”. Ramus 21 (1): 34–60.

Kivilo, M. 2010. Early Greek Poets’ Lives. Leiden.

Koenen, L. 1994. “Greece, the Near East, and Egypt: Cyclic Destruction in Hesiod and the Catalogue of Women.” TAPhA 124: 1–34.

Kõiv, Mait. 2011. “A Note on the Dating of Hesiod.” CQ 61.2: 355–377.

Koning, H. H. 2010. Hesiod: the Other Poet: Ancient Reception of a Cultural Icon. Leiden.

Lamberton, R. 1988a. Hesiod. New Haven.

— — 1988b. “Plutarch, Hesiod, and the Mouseia of Thespiai.” ICS 13.2: 491–504.

Lardinois, A. 1998. How the Days Fit the Works in Hesiod’s Works and Days.” AJPh 119.3: 319–336.

Leclerc, M.-C. 1993. La parole chez Hésiode: À la recherche d’harmonie perdue. Paris.

Lerza, P. 1983. “Ps.Esiodo, fr. 204, 124–30 M.-W.: formularità e non.” Synkrisis 2: 117–120.

Martin, R. P. 1984. “Hesiod, Odysseus, and the Instruction of Princes.” TAPhA 114: 29–48.

— — 1992. “Hesiod’s metanastic poetics.” Ramus 21.1: 11–33.

——  2005. “Pulp epic: the Catalogue and the Shield,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 153–175.

Marzillo, P. 2010. Der Kommentar des Proklos zu Hesiods Werken und Tagen. Tübingen.

McKay, K. J. 1962. “Hesiod, Op. 209–211.” Hermes 90.2: 249–251.

McLeod, G. 1991. Virtue and Venom: Catalogues of Women from Antiquity to the Renaissance. Ann Arbor.

Meliadò, C. 2003. “Un Nuovo frammento esiodeo in uno scolio a Teocrito.” ZPE 145: 1–5.

Merkelbach, R. 1957. Di Hesiodfragmente auf Papyrus. Leipzig.

——  1968a. “Das Prooemium des hesiodeischen Katalogs.” ZPE 3: 126–133.

——  1968b. “Les papyrus d’Hésiode et la géographie mythologique de la Grèce.” CE 85:  133–155.

——  1968c. “Hesiod fr. 43a 41ff. M.-W.” ZPE 3: 134–135.

——  1968d. “Zu Hesiod Fr. 23 und 30 M.-W.” ZPE 2: 210.

Merkelbach, R. & M. L. West 1967. Fragmenta Hesiodea. Oxford.

Minton, W. W. 1962. “Invocation and Catalogue in Hesiod and Homer.” TAPhA 93: 188–212.

— — 1970. “The Proem-Hymn of Hesiod’s Theogony.” TAPhA 357–377.

——  1975. “The Frequency and Structuring of Traditional Formulas in Hesiod’s Theogony.” HSCPh 79: 26–54.

Montanari, F., Rengakos, A., & Tsagalis, C. edd. 2009.  Brill’s Companion to Hesiod. Leiden.

Montanari, F. 2009. “Ancient Scholarship on Hesiod,” in Montanari et al. edd. 2009: 311–42.

Musäus, I. 2004. Der Pandoramythos bei Hesiod und seine Rezeption bis Erasmus von Rotterdam. Göttingen.

Myres, J. 1941. “Hesiod’s Shield of Herakles: Its Structure and Workmanship.” JHS 61: 17–38.

Nagler, M. 1992. “Discourse and Conflict in Hesiod. Eris and the Erides.” Ramus 1: 79–96.

Nagy, Gregory (1992). “Authorisation and Authorship in the Hesiodic Theogony”. Ramus 21 (2): 119–130.

— — 2009. “Hesiod and the Ancient Biographical Traditions,” in Montanari et al. edd. 2009: 311–342.

Nelson, Stephanie 1997. “The Justice of Zeus in Hesiod’s Fable of the Hawk and the Nightingale.” CJ 92.3: 235–247.

Notopoulos, J. 1960. “Homer, Hesiod, and the Achaean Heritage of Oral Poetry.” Hesperia 29: 177–199.

O’Bryhim, S. 1996. “A New Interpretation of Hesiod, Theogony 35.” Hermes 124: 131–139.

Osborne, R. 2005. “Ordering women in Hesiod’s Catalogue,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 5–24.

Ormand, K. 2004. “Marriage, Identity, and the Tale of Mestra in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women.” AJPh 125: 303–338.

——  2014. The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece. Cambridge.

Pavese, C. O. 1998. “The Rhapsodic Epic Poems as Oral and Independent Poems.” HSCPh 98: 63–90.

Peabody, B. 1975. The Winged Word: A Study in the Technique of Ancient Greek Oral Composition as Seen Principally through Hesiod’s Works and Days. Albany.

Penglase, Charles 2003. Greek Myths and Mesopotamia: Parallels and Influence in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod.

The Mesopotamian influence on Greek mythology in literary works of the epic period is considerable – yet it is a largely unexplored field. In this book Charles Penglase investigates major Mesopotamian and Greek myths. His examination concentrates on journey myths. A major breakthrough is achieved in the recognition of the extent of Mesopotamian influence and in the understanding of the colourful myths involved. The results are of significant interest, especially to scholars and students of ancient Greek and Near Eastern religion and mythology.

Porter, H. N. 1946. “Hesiod and Aratus.” TAPhA 77: 158–170.

Pucci, P. 1977. Hesiod and the Language of Poetry. Baltimore.

Reinsch-Werner, H. 1976. Callimachus Hesiodicus: Die Rezeption der hesiodischen Dichtung durch Kallimachos von Kyrene. Berlin.

Renehan, R. 1986. “A New Hesiodic Fragment.” CPh 81: 21–22.

Richardson, N. J. 1981. “The Contest of Homer and Hesiod and Alcidamas’ Mouseion.

Roisman, H. 1983. “Hesiod’s Ἄτη.” Hermes 111: 491–496.

Rosen, R. M. 1990. “Poetry and Sailing in Hesiod’s Works and Days.” CA 9: 99–113.

Rowe, C. J. 1983. ” ‘Archaic Thought’ in Hesiod.” JHS 103: 124–135.

Rutherford, I. 2000. “Formulas, Voice, and Death in Ehoie-poetry, the Hesiodic Gunaikon Katalogos, and the Odysseian Nekuia,” in Depew & Obbink edd. 2000: 81–96.

Depew, M. & D. Obbink 2000 edd. 2000. Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society. Cambridge.

——  2005. “Mestra at Athens: Hesiod fr. 43 and the poetics of panhellenism,” in Hunter ed. 2005a: 99–117.

Sale, W. 1962. “The Story of Callisto in Hesiod.” RhM 105.2: 122–141.

Schroeder, C. M. 2009. “Zenodotus’ Text of Hesiod.” CQ 59.1: 271–274.

Schwabl, H. 1963. “Hesiod und Parmenides: Zur Formung des parmenideischen Prooimions (28 B 1).” RhM 106.2: 134–142.

Shapiro, H. A. 1984. “Herakles and Kyknos.” AJA 88: 523–529.

Solmsen, F. 1949. Hesiod and Aeschylus. Ithaca.

——  1981. “The Sacrifice of Agamemnon’s Daughter in Hesiod’s’ Ehoeae.” AJPh 102: 353–358.

——  1982. “The Earliest Stages in the History of Hesiod’s Text.” HSCPh 86: 1–31.

Steiner, D. 2007. “Feathers Flying: Avian Poetics in Hesiod, Pindar, and Callimachus.” AJPh 128: 177–208.

Stiewe, K. 1960. “Zum Hesiodpapyrus B Merkelbach.” Hermes 88: 253–256.

——  1962. ‘Die Entstehungszeit der hesiodischen Frauenkataloge i.”, Philologus 106: 291–299.

——  1963. ‘Die Entstehungszeit der hesiodischen Frauenkataloge ii.” Philologus 107: 1–29.

Stoddard, K. 2003. “The Programmatic Message of the “Kings and Singers” Passage: Hesiod, Theogony 80–103.

Abstract: In Hesiod’s Theogony, the “Kings and Singers” passage, lines 80–103, parallels the poem’s Dichterweihe, lines 22–34, in that both portray contact between the Muses and mortals on whom they bestow gifts. The gifts granted Hesiod in the Dichterweihe, a divine voice and a laurel scepter, represent the persuasive powers of ἀοιδός and βασιλεύς as described in Th. 80–103. The latter passage is thus programmatic for how Hesiod perceives his role as narrator and how he intends to use the Muses’ gifts for didaxis. The Prometheus and Hekate passages later in the poem show Hesiod’s didaxis in action.

——  2004. The Narrative Voice in the Theogony of Hesiod. Leiden.

Sullivan, S. D. 1990. “The Psychic Term Νόος in the Poetry of Hesiod.” Glotta 68: 68–85.

Tandy, D. 1997. Warriors into Traders: The Power of the Market in Early Greece. Berkeley.

Thalmann, W. G. 1984. Conventions of Form and Thought in Early Greek Epic Poetry. Baltimore.

Treu, M. 1957. “Das Proömium der hesiodischen Frauenkataloge.” RM 100: 169–186.

van Noorden, H. 2014. Playing Hesiod: The ‘Myth of the Races’ in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge.

Vernant, J.-P. 1981a. “The Myth of Prometheus in Hesiod,” in Gordon & Buxton edd. 1981: 43–56.

——  1981b. “Sacrificial and Alimentary Codes in Hesiod’s Myth of Prometheus,” in Gordon & Buxton edd. 1981: 57–80.

Gordon, R. & R. Buxton edd. 1981. Myth, Religion and Society. Cambridge.

Vian, F. 1961. “Poèmes hésiodiques et pseudo-hésiodiques.” REG 74: 269–274.

Walcot, P. 1966. Hesiod and the Near East. Cardiff.

Walker, J. 1996. “Before the Beginnings of “Poetry” and “Rhetoric”: Hesiod on Eloquence.” Rhetorica 14.3: 243–264.

Abstract: Traditional histories of rhetoric assume that the practical oratory of lawcourts and political assemblies is the “primary,” original form of rhetoric in its “preconceptual” or predisciplinary origins in archaic Greece. Hesiod’s “Hymn to the Muses,” however, presents both prince and bard as practicing an art of psychagogic suasion, and presents the prince’s discursive power as dependent on, and derived from, the paradigms of eloquence and wisdom embodied in the epideictic/poetic discourse of the bard: epideictic is the “primary” form of “rhetoric” in Hesiod’s world. Hesiod’s account agrees with what is known about the discursive practices of oral/traditional societies worldwide.

West, M. L. 1966. Hesiod. Theogony. Oxford.

——  1969. “Echoes and Imitations of the Hesiodic Poems.” Philologus 113: 1–9.

——  1978. Hesiod. Works and Days. Oxford.

——  1983. “The Hesiodic Catalogue: Xouthids and Aiolids.” ZPE 53: 27–30.

——  1985a. The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women: Its Nature, Structure, and Origins. Oxford.

——  1985b. “The Hesiodic Catalogue: New Light on Apollo’s Love-life.” ZPE 61: 1–7.

——  1986. “Further Echoes and Imitations of the Hesiodic Poems.” Philologus 130: 1–7.

——  1997. The East Face of Helicon: West Asiatic Elements in Greek Poetry and Myth. Oxford.

Wickkiser, B. L. 2010. “Hesiod and the Fabricated Woman: Poetry and Visual Art in the Theogony.” Mnemosyne 63.4: 557–576.

Yasumura, Noriko. 2011. Challenges to the Power of Zeus in Early Greek Poetry. London and New York.

Ziogas, I. 2013. Ovid and Hesiod: The Metamorphosis of the Catalogue of Women. CAmbridge.

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